• General

    Bathroom Etiquette: Toilet 101

    How would you feel if at the age of nineteen, someone told you how to use the toilet because of your cultural background? Would you be offended? Do you know how to use the toilet? Do you squat, sit or stand?  You are in college now I would hope your mother or father taught you well before sending you off to a fancy university!  Swansea college official in west Wales England apparently thinks their students could use a refresher.  According to Swansea College officials in an interview given to BBC news “The informational posters were produced, for use in both male and female facilities, to help address cultural differences that…

  • General

    FLESHiPad, is it real or is it a myth?

    So as if the overwhelming iPad trend is not enough in itself, now there is a sexual twist.  Yes you read that right there is an iPad sleeve that is built for sex.  Now I not sure that this is what Apple had in mind when they originally dreamt up the iPad but it just goes to show that with a little imagination, some rubber and some MacGyver ideas you can do anything.  I did not believe it myself until I researched it.  I’m sorry if some of the readers don’t agree but in my mind that is just gross.  The FLESHiPad is an integrated iPad case with a simulated…